Friday, August 19, 2011

First Ever Case Break

I participated in my first ever break over at Cheap Fun Breaks. The price was great so it was hard to resist. Being a 99% baseball card collector, it was surprising to me that I would go for a football break. I am a football fan but football cards haven't achieved the same excitement that baseball cards have. Regardless, I was very excited and enjoyed the process (and results).

Much to my surprise, the random draft order placed me first. After seeing the break and all the hits and inserts first, we got to pick our team. That was pretty cool and I wasn't sure if that is how they usually go or if that was fitting for that situation. The Ravens were probably the pick to get, considering there were 3 hits and a healthy dose of inserts. I couldn't turn down Joe Montana though, and I chose the 49ers. It was worth it alone for that card. I guess it's time to see the card.
With more picks than participants, we got a second pick. Code cards were available but with me being first, I ended up last for the second pick. The last pick to be claimed were the poor ole Seattle Seahawks. I never turn down more cards!

Overall the process was fair and worthwhile. It was a lot of fun. The only hard part was watching someone else open the packs. That's half the fun!

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Times They Are a Changin'

The blog has gone through some color changing. I'm a Reds fan so I had the red and white in mind but for some reason, the pink has found its way on here. I can't seem to find out how to change it either. Bummer.

Also, I thought of some players and made up a PC list (after I figured out how to add a page). I will begin setting up the "want" and "trade" list, as well, and will begin letting go of cards. I'm not sure how that'll go but I'm definitely open to it.

I've recently participated in my first group breaks. One was for 2011 Topps Football (my first ever) and then 2011 Topps Lineage. Posts to come.

Friday, August 5, 2011

2008 Upper Deck Masterpieces - Blaster Box

My local Wal-Mart hardly ever has anything good marked down in the card "aisle". I wasn't biting on the 2010 Topps Chrome. Even at 40% off, I didn't feel like pulling bent cardboard. I was surprised to find a blaster of 2008 UD Masterpieces. I really enjoy these cards, so I didn't even think long on the decision.

These are the base cards and they are gorgeous. The set consists of 120 cards of artist paintings, printed on canvas-like paper.

The landscape view on the cards only increases the "wow" factor. I really want to get those Ultra-Pro sheets that are for cards oriented this way. These deserve to be seen in the best position to your eyes.

Veteran players are also included within the set. I like having a real chance at pulling a vet player within a set. Now if only we could do something about Pete Rose...

The Yankee Stadium Legacy cards are neat for what they do. I'm not a Yankee fan, though, so I don't get too excited when pulling these.

For a blaster that includes 7 packs + 1 bonus pack per box (why can't they just say 8 packs?!) and 4 cards per pack, you get 32 cards. I'm thinking next time I'll consider a hobby box and have a great time busting that box.